jason miles lorimer dot com

Jason Miles Lorimer
5 min readMar 8, 2020


a website is an island — this is a living document created — at forty years of age

who i am

born in Philly to a bartender and a cab driver the year before Reagan got elected — they would call my birthplace urban and my neighbors lower — middle-class back in those days.

started my education as the only gentile in a Jewish kindergarten, attended a private boarding school with other student-athletes from around the world — finished up my formal education at the largest public high school in Philadelphia —intentionally skipped college and I don’t regret it.

tell me more

  • unabashed design snob — known to be annoying about it.
  • ambidextrous with blue eyes and a genetic mutation that caused my hair to turn grey as a young man —all three irregularities have proven useful.
  • lost my younger sister and my favorite aunt to an opioid overdose.
  • once half-hysterically meme’d with a flattering picture in front of the famed Michigan Central Station — trended on twitter twice since then.
  • fervent activist for at-risk children — trained as a mandated reporter and will soon graduate to a court appointed advocate.
  • tend to think about the day to day quality of my life atmospherically — calm my anxiety with aesthetic and by way of exercising my mind.
  • cinephile — grateful to be alive in the age of the internet so I can watch good movies and — any documentary — as fast as people can make them.
  • 1990’s and 2000’s hip hop aficionado; street + formal fashion nerd.
  • single, no children, never married.
  • travel ranks high on my hierarchy of needs — five Continents so far — Antarctica and Australia still to go.
trying to do good work in the sphere in which I operate

what i have done

  • 10 raised more money than any other elementary school student in the country for Easter Seals and got invited onto the television news — where I embarrassed myself — and no, it is not up on YouTube.
  • 12recruited all the newspaper delivery boys in my neighborhood to streamline delivery, billing and collections.
  • 14 leased a kitchen and started a pizza and sandwich delivery service for my fellow boarding school expatriates because the single shop available in town was poorly managed.
  • 16 lobbied the local business community to restart the dormant high school newspaper and became the editor. I recently discovered it was still in operation and that feels nice: like drying off in the sun out of the pool.
  • 17managed a 15 person sales and installation team at the now defunct Circuit City, in the car stereo and alarm department.
  • 19started a residential alarm installation company and grew it into three markets with thirty employees and contractors — eventually selling our monitoring accounts to TYCO (ADT).
  • 25 consulted on a failing 22,000 square foot nightclub through a bankruptcy process and reopened it with a renovation and new brand.
  • 27built and ran a boiler room operation for a mortgage brokerage a couple years before the housing crash.
  • 31partnered with a student founder from Temple University on a consumer-facing technology company — pivoted the concept, raised venture capital and exited successfully — the company remains operational in Downtown Detroit.
  • 33 created a multidisciplinary team to work on civic and social challenges, and because I was bored of work that didn’t matter to me.
  • 34 leveraged design and technology to help elect the Mayor of the City of Detroit on a write-in ballot.
  • 36 purchased and period-specifically staged a historic lumber mansion.
  • 39 wrote an early campaign strategy document for the Democratic candidate, now Governor of the State of Michigan.
  • 40 lived in a carriage house in the woods of Pennsylvania while reading all the books I always wanted to.
  • 41wait and see or reach out — would love to work on something together if I am available and interested in the subject matter.
write me at jasonmileslorimer@gmail.com

what i have to offer

writing about how you might be exceptional feels much like tweezers to pluck a rogue nose hair — it is painful and requires you too look far too closely at yourself in the mirror.

that being said:

  • have a knack for connecting disparate ideas and translating a vision.
  • hyper-competent generalist and prefer working with the same.
  • efficient at identifying freelance talent and managing remote teams.
  • understand how to locate and secure donations and investment capital.
  • proficient in design — atoms and bits — interior and exterior.
  • secret weapon is my silver tongue — capable of selling ice to an Eskimo.
musings and curiosities


  • Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely. (Behavioral Economics)
  • The Biography of Charles Schultz (Peanuts)
  • Revolution in the Air by Max Elbaum. (Radical Left of the 1960’s)


  • The Putin Diaries. Interviews with Vladimir Putin by Oliver Stone.
  • Ozark: Jason Bateman is an American treasure.
  • 1917: the single-shot camera work is mind-boggling.

most people don’t know

  • once did a three month run — playing the character Fagin in a traveling production of the play: Oliver.
  • ten years ago I co-wrote a book on a few of the ways social media will shape business models and commerce in the post-industrial-age.
  • collect presidential campaign ephemeral and propaganda art.
  • pitched three innings and manned first base in the Little League World Series Tournament.

favorite compliments

  • your hair looks like ice cream.
  • being referred to as witty or acerbic.
  • thank you for your help.

learning resolutions

each month I pick a new topic to study — scan everything I can on that topic.

  • april: studied how the ride-share industry is affecting reported instances of drunk driving.
  • may: learning about virtual reality technology and how it can be used as a tool for issue translation and fundraising — an empathy machine.
  • june: looking at the effects of privatization of social and criminal justice departments in cities and counties across the U.S.
  • july: understanding how technology is evolving inside local police departments. (think autonomous paddy wagons and imperfect facial recognition software.)

lifelong dreams

  • play a role in three political campaigns: a mayoral, gubernatorial and presidential cycle — to win all three races — I am already 2 for 2 — figure this is my best shot at a New York Times obituary; because even posthumously I will be preoccupied with aesthetic.
  • to stay healthy and live long enough to do all the cool stuff I have in mind. I want my friends to find their best life and for my family to live forever.
thanks for coming by to see me



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